Patience and Mediation

“The two most powerful warriors are patience and time.”-Leo Tolstoy

“All we need is just a little patience.”-Guns N’ Roses

Patienceis one of the virtues most closely connected with success in mediation.

Patienceto listen to the other side’s position.

Patienceto endure unreasonable early moves by the other party without walking out.

Patienceto learn as much as you can about the other side’s position.

Patienceto let the process unfold under the guidance of a good mediator.

Patienceto find out what the other side will do short of trial.

Patienceto guide your client through a process that can be frustrating at times.

Patience to work through a hard day of mediation so your client can avoid days or weeks of trial.

Patience to figure out whether a settlement is within reach, or whether it’s time to call it a day.