Pros and Cons of Zoom Mediation

Pros and Cons of Zoom Mediation

During the Coronavirus pandemic, many people turned to Zoom and other virtual platforms for mediations. Zoom and other virtual platforms provided a social distancing alternative to traditional face-to-face mediations.

When considering whether or not to mediate using Zoom or another virtual platform, there are a few pros and cons to consider.

Advantages of Zoom/Virtual Mediation

Lower Cost

Virtual mediation can be substantially less expensive than in-person. The biggest reason for this is the lack of travel time and expenses for the mediator and parties. What might have involved a day of travel or even an overnight hotel stay for a face-to-face mediation is not necessary when mediating virtually. This reduces costs for parties, their attorneys, and the mediator because they will not need to travel to attend the mediation session. This lower cost can also make mediation financially feasible in smaller cases. 

Eliminates Geographical Barriers

Zoom mediations offer much more flexibility for parties spread across geographical locations. In many cases, time devoted to the mediation process can be reduced substantially. With virtual mediation, scheduling becomes easier. Zoom mediation can eliminate geographical barriers and physical barriers for those who are severely disabled, in poor health, or who reside a great distance from the mediator.  

Security and Privacy

Virtual platforms for mediation now have security and privacy capabilities such as Zoom’s waiting room feature which gives the mediator the ability to have control over when the parties join the mediation. Zoom allows the parties to enable end-to-end encryption which secures the participants’ communications with cryptographic keys that are only known to the devices of those participants. Keeping the meeting’s private keys secure ensures that unwanted third parties will be able to access the meeting. However, enabling end-to-end encryption can disable certain Zoom features that are useful in mediation such as breakout rooms. The parties and the mediator have the ability to select the security and convenience features that work best for their particular mediation.

Breakout rooms in Zoom allow the mediator to meet privately with each party and their attorney. The mediator can put each party in a private breakout room and have independent discussions in the same way that the mediator would use separate conference rooms in an office.  

Disadvantages of Zoom/Virtual Mediation

While the following disadvantages of Zoom mediation may not be present in every situation, there are some potential downsides to conducting mediation virtually. 

Less Non-Verbal Communication

Meeting with people on a screen has some major differences from meeting face-to-face. Virtual mediation may deprive parties of the opportunity to read non-verbal cues and body language. When the mediator has never met the parties or lawyers in person, they must work differently to establish the same rapport. Having video mode on is certainly more beneficial than strictly audio calls, but it still may be difficult to observe eye contact, body language, and other forms of non-verbal communication. People who are unfamiliar with Zoom or other such platforms might feel that they cannot establish the same level of connection with the mediator or the other side, which may hurt the chances for a successful mediation. While remote mediation does change some aspects of human interaction, most people do find that feelings of discomfort dissipate with time and genuine connections are still attainable. We have found that Zoom mediations can be very effective. 

Less Commitment 

The lower cost and greater convenience of virtual mediation is one of its greatest advantages. But, this advantage is also one of the biggest disadvantages of virtual mediation. Because virtual mediation is less expensive and more convenient than in-person mediation, the parties can be less committed to the mediation process in some cases. There is a legitimate concern that one or all parties will not take the process as seriously as if they had to dedicate travel time and expenses. When a party sends a representative across town, or books a flight on an airplane, they’re more likely to be serious about getting something accomplished. For mediation to work, the parties must be committed to the process. Although this disadvantage is real, we have found that the mediator and the parties can work together in advance of the mediation to make sure everyone is committed. When the parties are mediating by Zoom, it is important for the parties and the mediator to frankly discuss the issue of commitment.   

Technical Issues

Technical issues can cause distractions and impact the success of the mediation. If a party’s internet connection is not strong, or if their laptop or computer is malfunctioning, it can interrupt the flow of the mediation and this can impact the parties’ ability to get the most out of the mediation. It is the mediator’s responsibility to work with the parties in advance to be sure that the parties have the technology to participate in the mediation in a meaningful way.

In Conclusion…

Virtual mediation on platforms like Zoom developed rapidly out of necessity, but it is here to stay. Although there can be drawbacks to virtual mediation, there is no reason that virtual mediations cannot be successful if the parties plan for and consider the advantages and limitations of the technology.

At Morefield Speicher Bachman, LC, Rick Morefield is prepared to serve as a mediator in person or over Zoom. He has had experience and success with both virtual and in-person mediations and is comfortable assisting parties who have never mediated over Zoom. All of the lawyers at Morefield Speicher Bachman, LC are prepared to mediate for their clients in both virtual and in-person settings. 

Your preferences are important to us and we will continue to offer to each and every one of our clients the opportunity to meet with us–on your terms. We are here for you. Contact us today at  (913) 839 2808 to discuss our mediation services.

What is a Mediation?

What is Mediation?

Mediation is an alternative to a jury trial that often leads to the settlement of lawsuits and legal disputes. Mediation can take place before or after a lawsuit it filed. It is now common for judges to order the parties in a lawsuit to mediate a case before it goes to trial. Judges know that many cases can be resolved in this way without the time, expense, and uncertainty of a jury trial.

What Happens at a Mediation?

Mediation is a less stressful and more collaborative process than a jury trial. Typically, a mediation will take place at the office of one of the attorneys or at the office of the mediator. You and your attorney will spend most of your time in a private conference room. The other party to the dispute and his or her lawyer will spend most of their time  in a different conference room.

Often the parties will meet together with the mediator at the beginning of the process to discuss the procedures and to give an overview of each party’s view of the case. This is not like a closing argument. Most skilled attorneys present an overview of their case and do not “come out swinging.” Why? Because the purpose of a mediation is to create an opportunity for focused discussion, negotiation and compromise. Compromise is difficult when tempers are high. Sometimes one of the attorneys will give an antagonistic presentation in the mistaken belief that this will somehow help his or her client. We know that the best response is to not react. The goal of mediation is to reach a mutually agreeable settlement. This is not a Facebook argument where one scores points by being witty and insulting.

A substantial portion of the mediation involves private caucuses. In plain English, the mediator spends time individually with each side exploring the strengths and weaknesses of their case. The mediator encourages the parties to consider options for settlement. The mediator helps each side better understand the risks and the potential benefits of going to trial. In many, but not all cases, the mediator is able to help the parties reach an agreement to settle the case. In some cases that don’t settle at mediation, the parties will reach a settlement a week or two later. If settlement is still not possible, the parties move forward to trial.

One of the benefits of mediation and one of the reasons it can be so effective is that it is largely voluntary. Each side has the right to say “No” to any proposal. Because each party knows that the other party can end the mediation, each party has an incentive to cooperate in the process.

Why Would You Settle Instead of Go to Trial?

If you have already hired our firm, you probably did so because we have the experience and the ability to succeed in the courtroom. If you hired us because we are good trial lawyers, you may be wondering why you would settle your case rather than go to trial.  The first answer is a simple one. When you hire a lawyer who is skilled in the courtroom, you actually have a better chance of obtaining a fair settlement. The other side knows that you can hold their feet to the fire. If the other side offers a fair and appropriate settlement and you can avoid the time, uncertainty, and expense of trial, it often makes sense to settle.

There are many other circumstances where settlement makes sense. In some cases, the key facts are in dispute and the outcome at trial is uncertain. You may want to avoid that uncertainty with a settlement. One of the parties may not have sufficient assets to pay a fair settlement and you may decide to settle for what is available. The law may be uncertain in your particular case. Or, there may be a time issue or other personal issue that affects your willingness or ability to wait for trial. Every client’s situation is different.

There are many factors that affect whether it makes sense to settle or go to trial. We carefully advise our clients about the risks and rewards of trial and settlement. Ultimately, the choice belongs to you as the client, but we will provide you with legal and factual information, advice, and recommendations so your decision will be a well-reasoned one that works for you. You do not have to make the decision alone.